Welcome To My Blog: New Blog 08/06/2013
I-universe, the author of the book Egypt’s Nile is Alive, is without doubt the new hero of humanity because he discovered “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which holds the key to resolving our global warming crisis.
In ancient times, “humanity’s true inborn art of love” was the spiritual crusade for mankind's survival that derived from Africa’s musical roots, which was based on man being initiated into adulthood and becoming a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive force with the Sun-God. The author is a visionary who has revived the ancient Egyptians’ sacred Sun-God religion where man lived in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium.
Today, the author has converted this ancient ritual into the form of a new musical philosophy to support green efforts and causes mainly for the young generation, and it is destined to become one of the biggest green awareness movements on earth. This unique spiritual book stands on top of the literary world and what the author has achieved by bringing back “humanity’s true inborn art of love” is unparalleled in modern times.
We need your support to help get this book into the mainstream of our society. This is the
biggest green awareness movement and music enterprise "EVER" in the music industry and we are seeking the right connections.
The author has created an untapped market in the music industry:
Web site www.egyptnilealive.com
biggest green awareness movement and music enterprise "EVER" in the music industry and we are seeking the right connections.
The author has created an untapped market in the music industry:
Blog & Promotion: www.gooddeal-1.blogspot.com
Business Contact - Heynile@aol.com
(Global Warming is real and the Earth is dying)
I-universe, the author of the book “Egypt ’s Nile is Alive,” is without doubt the new hero of humanity because he discovered “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which is the true spiritual legacy of mankind’s survival.
The book, Egypt’s Nile Is Alive, is a historical, symbolic book fused with a new musical philosophy called “Father Light Rock” which depicts “humanity’s true inborn art of love.” This religious ritual represents man’s mystical rebirth, where he is initiated into adulthood and becomes a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one positive vision with the morning sun. The book tells the true story about the ancient Egyptians’ monotheistic belief that “mankind is one,” in which man lived in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium.
In ancient times, the Egyptians worshipped the Sun-God which was based on the art of universal oneness, where man learnt how to communicate with the spirit world by learning to live spiritually free in life with a heart and consciousness. Today, the ancient Egyptians’ sacred Sun-God religion has been revived in the form of a new musical philosophy to support green efforts and causes mainly for the young generation, and it is destined to become one of the biggest green awareness movements on earth.
Yes, learn how to stay in touch with the morning sun.
Join today's true spiritual shepherds of the sky and become “one with the universe” in the crusade for mankind's survival. What separates the author from other great authors is that he has created a new spiritual movement to fight for the living in humanity, which is unparalleled in modern times.
(A must-read for people that support green initiatives).
Yes, global warming is real and the Earth is dying. The time has certainly come for the young generation to think universally by being taught “humanity’s true inborn art of love” and to take control of their destiny. Ian Dixon
The Author’s Statement:
The book, Egypt’s Nile Is Alive, is destined to make musical history because it represents the true central religion of Africa’s musical heritage adopted by the ancient Egyptians, where man lived in kinship with nature and became a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as one with the Sun-God. It is the biggest musical discovery and contribution ever in music that will prove to stand the test of time. The music industry will be the first to say that man’s true inborn musical rhythm of how to become “one with the universe” is now free. This is a statement which no other book or artist has ever made. I am shouting with joy that I have brought back to the world “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which features the world’s true spiritual legacy of mankind’s survival. I hold the true roots of music and its future in the palm of my hands and I must be heard. It was the triumph of a lifelong achievement to bring this book to the world.
When an author has a great book that is easy to understand most people or music artists would love to introduce it to the public. I am looking for special people in the music industry worldwide that I can connect with in regard to what I have achieved by setting the true roots of music back on its rightful path. I need your help and your connections to get the book into the mainstream of our society. Every artist loves when people can see the beauty of their work and the response that I usually get from people is “wow - this book is a God-send!” Think about it! All it takes is a simple phone call or email from people like you to "save the world".
Copyright 2013 I-universe music entertainment
Web site www.egyptnilealive.com
Blog & Promotion: www.gooddeal-1.blogspot.comBusiness Contact - Heynile@aol.com
Face Book - https://www.facebook.com/allen.dixon.1441
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Heynile
Linked in------http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=68235742&trk=tab_pro
The Author’s Promotion Statement:
The book Egypt’s Nile is Alive is important in modern times because global warming is real and the Earth is dying. The ancient Egyptians’ belief in the Sun-God has been reborn to support green efforts and causes. This book deserves to become the number one book in the world because it holds the key to resolving Mother Nature’s crisis.
I have written a book called Egypt’s Nile is Alive, a historical, symbolic book fused with a new musical philosophy called “Father Light Rock.” It depicts “humanity’s true inborn art of love” where man is initiated into adulthood and becomes a true spiritual shepherd of the sky living as one positive vision along with the Sun-God. The book tells the true story about the ancient Egyptians’ monotheistic belief that “mankind is one,” in which man lived in harmony with the spiritual world of humanity to support Mother Nature’s equilibrium.
In ancient times, the Egyptians worshipped the Sun-God which was based on the art of universal oneness, where man learnt how to communicate with the spirit world. They taught their countrymen how to live in brotherhood with the Creator by learning to live spiritually free in life with a heart and consciousness. This religious movement represents the true roots of music that are now being passed from ancient times to modern times to help save humanity and to bring back the real spirit of mankind into the mainstream of our society.
The ancient Egyptians’ religious foundation was established by teaching “the world’s true art of mystical rebirth”, which consists of man preparing himself for his spiritual journey into eternity by becoming “one with the universe”. In the ancient Egyptians’ kingdom, teaching people from different cultures how to live in kinship with Mother Nature was one of the world’s biggest religious movements.
The ancient Egyptians were a multiracial group of people from various religious sects who devoutly believed that “mankind is one” and learnt to share the world’s true inborn spiritual morality with one another to help heal the world’s vain materialistic darkness. This unique spiritual book was written for one particular purpose: to bring back mankind’s true inborn spiritual morality into the mainstream of our society.
Today, the ancient Egyptians’ sacred Sun-God religion has been revived in the form of a new musical philosophy to support green efforts and causes mainly for the young generation, and it is destined to become one of the biggest green awareness movements on earth. I am totally convinced that creating a new musical philosophy to support green initiatives is without doubt the quickest way to reach the public at large and to make people aware of how critically Mother Nature needs their help. This is the only book on earth with a new musical philosophy that teaches modern man how to live a spiritually free life in a vain materialistic world.
Today, the ancient Egyptians’ sacred Sun-God religion has been revived in the form of a new musical philosophy to support green efforts and causes mainly for the young generation, and it is destined to become one of the biggest green awareness movements on earth. I am totally convinced that creating a new musical philosophy to support green initiatives is without doubt the quickest way to reach the public at large and to make people aware of how critically Mother Nature needs their help. This is the only book on earth with a new musical philosophy that teaches modern man how to live a spiritually free life in a vain materialistic world.
The movement is to give back to Mother Nature.
I believe for the sake of mankind’s survival that the time has come for modern man to learn the ancient Egyptians’ spiritual healing method of universal oneness by giving back to his fellow men the world’s true inborn natural love of brotherhood that humanity desperately needs to sustain itself. Yes, global warming is real and the Earth is dying. The time has certainly come for the young generation to think universally by being taught “humanity’s true inborn art of love” and to take control of their destiny.
The book Egypt’s Nile is Alive is humanity’s anthem.
The reality that man was born with a mystical soul to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky will prove to stand the test of time. I, the author of the book “Egypt’s Nile is Alive,” am without doubt the world’s brightest star because I discovered “humanity’s true inborn art of love,” which is the true spiritual legacy of mankind’s survival.
This is a very hot musical enterprise that is destined to be the most impressive green awareness movement on earth, which offers a new untapped market in the music industry.
This is part of Al Gore’s Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture,
“We are what is wrong, and we must make it right
Last September 21, as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is "falling off a cliff." One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by
I understand that no man is an island, therefore; it would take people like Al Gore, myself, and others to work together to bring about the change that the world truly needs.
The book Egypt’s Nile Is Alive was published by 1st world publishing company in 2013 and its dream is to reach worldwide recognition. What makes the book so special? For starters, the book pays homage to the founders of Egypt for teaching “humanity’s true inborn art of love” and emphasizes their historical achievement.
Customer Reviews
Powerful Concepts with Strong Historical Support
Reader Rating
Posted October 14, 2012, 4:05 PM EST: AD81. This book offers such thought provoking material that it changed my view as to how our society has gotten to its current state. This book helps piece together the beliefs of Ancient Egyptians and explains how we can use these beliefs to help change the world for the better. By living by our true inborn spirit we can transform ourselves into positive beings and in-turn our universal system will also experience the positive changes. If each of us made an effort to live our lives in this spiritual form as the book suggests we could truly change the quality of all of our lives! There is still hope for all of us, read this book, learn and contribute to saving our planet!
Interesting book, June 3, 2012
I love this type of book
About Time!
A reviewer, A reviewer, 05/03/2013
For the world this book couldn't have come at a more essential time.
John, excited for the world to read this, 05/10/2013
If you love Spirituality and Mother Nature you need to read this book. I-Universe has really hit a homerun and can't wait to see his success.
Also recommended: Save our Planet
A reviewer, A reviewer, 05/15/2013
This book was amazing! A must read for anybody who understands true spirituality.
The Next Big Thing
Rick, enlightened and ready for change, 05/12/2013
Great read, Edgar Dixon is brilliant with his ideas and knowledge. He not only sheds light on spirituality but also how to give back to Mother Nature. Green is the way to go and I-Universe captures it all.
Also recommended: The Secret
Google Book Search, 01/14/2013
Bill, this is a must read. The Author is definitely giving the world something to talk about that is totally new, where man is taught how to live as one with the cosmic order to support green efforts and causes.
Do your soul and the world a favor, it could change both.
Hey Oprah, put this one in your book club.
To preview this book go to www.egyptnilealive.com
Blog & Promotion: www.gooddeal-1.blogspot.com
The Book’s New Enterprise :
• The Author of the book “Egypt ’s Nile is Alive” would be very interested in book signing, appearing on TV shows and Radio interviews.
• The company is pleased to announce that it will be selling approximately 86 inspirational songs of poetry to recording artists in the music industry, which represent the book’s new musical philosophy called, Father Light Rock. For more information see promotional ideas on the Website at www.egyptnilealive.com
• This is the kind of book that will probably sell more when it is made available as an audio version for people who just don’t have time to read a book but would love to listen to it. The company is also looking forward to making the book available for all foreign countries as well.
• The company will be sending out books to celebrities for endorsement and if they happen to love this one-of-a-kind spiritual book; they could share their experience with their fans to encourage them to purchase the book.
• The company has plans of starting its non-profit organization to help aid underprivileged families with children to make sure that they have in their home a computer with Internet access.
• The company will be selling different types of novelty items that feature the book’s logo such as coffee mugs, key chains, t-shirts, backpacks, tennis shoes and other forms of adult and children’s wear, etc.
• The company would like to have its very own “Egypt ’s Nile is Alive” credit card with reasonable rates to help low-income families and individuals to get ahead in life rather than be bolted down with high interest rates.
• The company is also interested in having “Egypt ’s Nile is Alive” beer, because the ancient Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to brew beer.
We believe thatEgypt ’s Nile Alive will become a lucrative billion dollar enterprise-(plus-plus-plus) and we are looking for investors who would be interested in helping our dream become a reality. Please use your personal connections to earn incentives for yourself and promote a book that will benefit the future of mankind. We will send a proposal for investors once we are contacted. For contact information please respond to Mr. Dixon at Heynile@aol.com
• The Author of the book “
• The company is pleased to announce that it will be selling approximately 86 inspirational songs of poetry to recording artists in the music industry, which represent the book’s new musical philosophy called, Father Light Rock. For more information see promotional ideas on the Website at www.egyptnilealive.com
• This is the kind of book that will probably sell more when it is made available as an audio version for people who just don’t have time to read a book but would love to listen to it. The company is also looking forward to making the book available for all foreign countries as well.
• The company will be sending out books to celebrities for endorsement and if they happen to love this one-of-a-kind spiritual book; they could share their experience with their fans to encourage them to purchase the book.
• The company has plans of starting its non-profit organization to help aid underprivileged families with children to make sure that they have in their home a computer with Internet access.
• The company will be selling different types of novelty items that feature the book’s logo such as coffee mugs, key chains, t-shirts, backpacks, tennis shoes and other forms of adult and children’s wear, etc.
• The company would like to have its very own “
• The company is also interested in having “
We believe that
Copyright 2013 I-universe music entertainment
Thank You,
Edgar Dixon
Edgar Dixon
Senior Marketing Director
Promotional Ideas for Recording Artists:
What this book truly offers the world is a musical philosophy called Father Light Rock, which represents A New Modern-Day Mystic Man or Woman: A person who is spiritually reborn and becomes a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as “one with the universe” to help support God’s spiritual foundation.
Yes - the true stars of the universe are born with wings.
The book also includes 86 songs of beautiful, ingenious, and comprehensive poetry for modern-day man which is very rare special songs for today’s spiritual artists. Let’s be honest. Most artists are spiritual, but most of the general public doesn’t want to listen to an entire CD about God. This is where we come in. If an artist believes in what we are saying, one Father Light Rock song can let people know that he/she has that spiritual side. The rest of the CD is purely entertainment. But the artist, whoever he/she is, would support the Father Light Rock musical and spiritual movement. With one or two well-known artists, the trend will catch on but all it would take is one Father Light Rock song to get the message heard. Imagine if different popular artists each adopted a song. A universal message would be heard, and once the public is interested they will also be anxious to read the book.
Different artists with similar spiritual ideas can adopt Father Light Rock songs and use their musical talent to make them their own without compromising the strong message each song carries. I know a F.L.R. song is what artists are looking for. This new musical philosophy that teaches people how to become a true spiritual shepherd of the sky as “one with the universe” is destined to make musical history worldwide and become a whole new spiritual revolution.
Make no mistake about it, this unique spiritual book with its new musical philosophy and songs can actually help save our living planet. I-Universe with music entertainment is my father’s songwriter’s trade name, which means “I am one with the Universe.”
We are looking for people who can spot real talent and see the full potential of the book's new enterprise and how easy it would be to promote all of its products.
We believe that Egypt ’s Nile Alive will become a lucrative enterprise and we are looking for investors who would be interested in helping our dream become a reality. Please use your personal connections to earn incentives for yourself and promote a book that will benefit the future of mankind. We will send a proposal for investors once we are contacted.
Agents, Music Executives, Music Producers, Record Companies, and Book Publishers, etc., for contact information and promotional interest please respond to Mr. Dixon at Heynile@aol.com
Website: www.egyptnilealive.com
Copyright 2013 I-universe music entertainment
Peace, Ian Dixon.
what is the business proposition? send to andygomez50@gmail.com thank you, Andy G. (Portugal)